National Trust Papers
This classic Georgian design can be admired at Greyfriars, a medieval wooden house in Worcester. Elsie Moore, a 20th-century owner of the property, acquired some unused scrolls from a parish in nearby Pershore and displayed clippings from them as framed panels in her pale yellow dining room. Suspecting that the turquoise pigment in the background might contain arsenic, she wrapped the panels in plain wrapping paper to avoid accidentally poisoning herself and her guests. The holes from the nails she used are still visible today, but thankfully - and risk-free - the wallpaper is now being presented again. The original wallpaper has been scaled down for ease of use, while the four colorways include a nod to the original, a traditional interpretation, as well as more modern options.
Repeat: 45.7cm (18″)
Roll Length: 10.05m (11 yds)
Roll Width: 52cm (20.5″)
Washability: Washable
Application: Paste the Wall
Available in 4 different colors
Matching Colours from Little Greene:
149 Slaked Lime Mid
117 Lead Colour
118 Dark Lead Colour