National Trust papers III
Hoja (Oxburgh Hall) c.Late 1890s–1900
This classic leafy tendril pattern was printed onto the surface for a traditional hand-painted finish and was used to decorate an attic at Oxburgh Hall. Although the design element of Spanish influenced
and gilt leather from the 17th century, it probably dates from the late 19th century given the printing substrate, which is machine-printed paper.
It comes in six interesting colourways, four of which feature different shades of a single colour.
Repeat: Straight Match 16.5cm (6.5″)
Roll Length: 10.05m (11 yds)
Roll Width: 52cm (20 1/2ins)
Paste: Little Greene Wallpaper Paste
Washability: Washable
Application: Paste the Wall
Available in 6 different colors
Matching Colours from Little Greene:
223 Shallows
260 Air Force Blue
221 Basalt